Halal Business

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Corn Starch
Corn Starch is the powder through flooding, broken, separ...
Qingdao Xingsi Food Co.,Ltd.  China
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Brown Ribbed Kraft Paper
Paper Type: Kraft Paper Use: Gift Wrapping Paper Coating: Coated Coating Side: Single Side ...
Hebei Zhengai Trade Co., Ltd  China
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Phantom of Kill
[Planning and Production: Fuji & gumi Games, Inc.] encounter with the mystery of the girls wi...
Gumi Ltd.  Japan
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Monitoring the vertical movement settlement and the tilt effects of tunneling and excavating ...
KH Instrumentation Pte. Ltd.  Singapore
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New Bakery Concept Kiosk
  New Bakery Concept Kiosk (Brand: Roti-Roti) • No Franchise Fees. • N...
Total Bun Supplies Sdn. Bhd.  Malaysia
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Double Layer Elbow - Marine Spec
This is the double layer duct, double layer duct is known as pre-insulated duct as well. The ...
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Kian Hock Engineering Pte. Ltd.  Singapore
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Custom Made
• Thickness: 0.5mm - 1.2mm thk.  • C/w EPDM Gasket or w/o EPDM Gasket (anti cor...
Midas Ductwork Manufacturing Industries Sdn. Bhd.  Malaysia
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CH Screw Conveyor / CH Screw Compactor
The efficient Conveyor / Compactor System
TS. Chuan Engineering Works Sdn Bhd  Malaysia
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Bear, Chocolate & Mug Gift
For any of Event, Feast, Malay Wedding Hantaran and so on. 
Sue Flower and Trading Enterprise  Malaysia
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