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Human Capital Connection Sdn Bhd
An organization’s most valuable asset is its people – its human capital. Human capital is the collective sum of the attributes, life experience, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm of employees. In today’s market, people are the ones who make the difference between success and failure in any organizations. As an organization grows, getting the right people in the right place when we need them and focused efforts to harness their talent are what give us competitive advantage. Organizations have a real challenge on their hands and must continuously develop effective human capital strategies and offer not only attractive benefits as part of creating an engaged workforce, but developing a strong organizational culture.

Since 2008, our former YourPartTime.com has now evolved and grown into Human Capital Connection Sdn Bhd to provide full-fledged human capital solutions to both hiring employers and job seekers. Human Capital Connection unites the right candidates with the right job opportunities at timely and efficient manner by utilizing technology and cultivating the values and skills sets of our staff to ensure clients’ satisfaction.

Human Capital Connection offers our clients a unique range of recruitment solutions that includes part-time, freelance, temporary and full-time placement, recruitment outsourcing, and talent development via learning as well as other customized recruitment solutions. These recruitment solutions are designed to be comprehensive, integrated and cost effective. Through our years of recruitment experience, we are able to help organizations, both locally and internationally, to attract, select, develop and retain the best talent possible to ensure organizational effectiveness, growth and performance in an ever changing, highly competitive business environment.

In achieving its goals, Human Capital Connection is committed to using high standards of professional conduct and ethics. We offer our clients the highest level of quality with honesty, integrity & confidentiality and to eliminate all forms of unfair treatment and discrimination. To ensure clients’ satisfaction, we strive to be efficient by responding to all inquiries within 24 hours. Our code of ethics can be summed up into 4 values systems: Professionalism, Equality, Efficiency and Purpose.

With our growing pool of talents and our efforts to continuously explore innovative approaches – deploying both online and offline – to ensure we win the talent war for our clients, Human Capital Connection has become a top choice for organizations for their recruitment and professional placement services.
Products / Services: ManPower Services Provider, Yourparttime.com, HCC Academy, Professional Placement Services

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