Halal Business

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Whole Round Squid Block 80% WGT
Packing: IQF 10 X 1 kg. SIZE: U/3 Glazing: 20% Contents: 1000 g. Net Weight: 800 ...
Kodanmal Group Co., Ltd.  Thailand
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Whole Cleaned Squid 70% WGT
Packing: BLOCK 6 X 2 kg. SIZE: U/5 Glazing: 30% Contents: 2000 g. Net Weight: 140...
Kodanmal Group Co., Ltd.  Thailand
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Whole Cleaned Cuttlefish 80% WGT
Packing: IQF 10 X 1 kg. SIZE: 61/UP Glazing: 20% Contents: 1000 g. Net Weight: 80...
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Squid can be proceesed many kinds of delicious & healthy dishes preferred by Japanese and EU gourmet...
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