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Preserved Fruit

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Product Type:Ketchup Form:Pasty Style:cold break
Henan Fengzeyuan Food Co., Ltd  China
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Product Type:Ketchup Form:Pasty Style:cold break
Henan Fengzeyuan Food Co., Ltd  China
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Type:Chilli & Pepper Style: Fresh Shelf Life:248  
Henan Fengzeyuan Food Co., Ltd  China
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Product Type:Ketchup Form:Pasty Style:cold break
Henan Fengzeyuan Food Co., Ltd  China
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Packing Size :     6 X 2.5KG Brand : Saporito Origin : Italy
Swee Heng Bakery Pte Ltd  Singapore
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Packing Size :     12 X 454GM Brand : Secret Lover Origin : Malaysia
Swee Heng Bakery Pte Ltd  Singapore
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Canned Pineapple
Net Weight: 258 kg
Pranburi Hotei Co Ltd  Thailand
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Packing Size :     12 X 1.0LTR Brand : Kean Origin : Cyprus
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