Halal Business

Halal Services

Surimi Product

Supplier Details
Leanh Company 
Vietnam     Trade Merchant

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Brief Description:

SURIMI uses for stuffing of cake, making fish ball to fry, making shirmp imitation, crab claw imitation, and making some other stuffing foods.

Detailed Description:

Surimi is a fish minced meat that has been leached by washing with water then mixed with sugar and other additives then frozen. It's widely used in Japan for the manufacturer of Fish jelly products such as Kamaboko, and the best well known worldwide is imitation crabstick.

Company Profile
Company Name: Leanh Company
Address: 23-C9, HoaLan Street. Ward 2, Phu Nhuan Dist Hochiminh City - Vietnam
Description: Leanh Company is a dynamic international company and currently known as a specialist in the field of farming, processing, exporting and marketing for fishery, seafood and agricultural products in Vietnam.
Website: http://www.leanh.com.vn
Contact Person: Le Tien Trung
Telephone No: +848 - 517 3699
Fax No: +848 - 517 3329
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