Halal Business

Halal Services


Supplier Details
Leanh Company 
Vietnam     Trade Merchant

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Brief Description:
Squid can be proceesed many kinds of delicious & healthy dishes preferred by Japanese and EU gourmets.
Detailed Description:
Squids caught the territorial waters of Viet Nam is approximately 24,000 tons, of which the Southern waters production rank the first with over 16,000 tons (accounting for 70%), followed by Ton Kin Gulf and Central waters with 5,000 tons (20%) and 2,500 tons (10%) respectively.

Company Profile
Company Name: Leanh Company
Address: 23-C9, HoaLan Street. Ward 2, Phu Nhuan Dist Hochiminh City - Vietnam
Description: Leanh Company is a dynamic international company and currently known as a specialist in the field of farming, processing, exporting and marketing for fishery, seafood and agricultural products in Vietnam.
Website: http://www.leanh.com.vn
Contact Person: Le Tien Trung
Telephone No: +848 - 517 3699
Fax No: +848 - 517 3329
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