To perform sertu for twenty-foot and forty-foot refrigerated containers to storage Halal food products.
Storage is part of the halal logistics function where involves the overall supply chain network right from the origin to final consumption, “from farm to fork”.
To fulfill Halal principles, these areas must be separated by non-halal parts or products physically even inside the container. If there is a breach or contamination, the process of undergo an additional cleaning or site must be applied by using clay and water. Certain sticker stampled on containers.
Islamic cleaning is conducted on twenty-foot and forty-foot refrigerated containers and other associated items that have come into direct contact with pork and/or dog meat or its derivatives.
The process of sertu is to clean(wash) the affected area of parts with seven times where one wash using mutlak water mixed with clay and six washes with mutlak water.
Sertu service provides a peace of mind for Muslim consumers.