Halal Business

Halal Services

Coffee Mix

Supplier Details
HSC International Pte Ltd 
Singapore     Gold Merchant

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Brief Description:

16g x 8s or 10s per box /

16g x 10s or 15s per box

Honsei Coffee Mix makes delicious coffee with good aroma. Modern manufacturing and hygienic packaging methods are used to preserved the original coffee aroma and fragrance in the sachet, making it easy to prepare at anytime, anywhere.

Company Profile
Company Name: HSC International Pte Ltd
Address: 71 Toh Guan Road East #06-07 TCH Tech Centre - - 608598 Singapore
Description: We are manufacturing company with our head office and factory situated in Singapore. The group has had 59 years of experience in the trade. We are interested in developing genuine business with our overseas counterparts. Our company deals with the manufacturing of instant food and beverages which is packed in dry packings. We cater all taste profile. We ensure reliability, Quality, Value, Endurance and Reciprocal trust products. Beside having : - Our own brand of products for the market - Importing, exporting and trading. - Processing of raw material. - Research & Development. - Customizing customers' requirements. - Private labeled others' manufacturers - Packaging Service and Development.
Website: http://www.honsei.com
Contact Person:
Telephone No: 6842 4600
Fax No: 6842 4300
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