Extracted from fresh animal skin or bone, our products is healthy and free of BSE. The gelatin has varied uses in confections, dairy industry, yogurt, ice-cream, cheese and specialty desserts. We normally supply jelly strength bloom 140BL, 160BL, 180BL, 200BL, 22BL, 240BL, 260BL. Granuliar size 8-60mesh.
Gelatin is a key ingredient in products such as marshmallows, mints, and gummy candy. The dairy industry makes extensive use of gelatin in the manufacture of sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese and specialty desserts, while meat processors depend on the properties of gelatin in the production of head cheese, pastes, and luncheon meats. As an ingredient that is both high in protein and virtually calorie free, gelatin is invaluable in the processing of these and many more food products.